Ask Terence McKenna

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19 total mentions.
12 talks with query:
"natural selection"
(0.2 seconds)

Plants, Consciousness, and Transformation

...vited here to dumb it down, so, you know if you had darwin, you'd get natural selection, if you had freud so you get sexual attraction. so you got mckenna so...

1995 4
Mushrooms, Evolution and the Millenium

...uititarian luxury for a life of hunting, struggle, migration, and uh, natural selection in an extremely harsh environment. I believe that the reason that thi...

1991 3
Evolving Times

...rays which cause birth defects and mutations, this sort of thing, and natural selection. And, these two factors, natural selection and, uh, and mutation, are...

1995 2
Search For The Original Tree Of Knowledge a random process, which then meets another random process which is natural selection, and out of these two random processes, lo and behold you get Sea Urc...

1992 2
Appreciating Imagination

...d. Q: ??? TM: Well that’s an interesting question, is there a kind of natural selection of means in the marketplace? There probably is. For example, imagine…...

1997 1
Conversations on the Edge of Magic

...ogy over the past hundred years. First the Darwinian understanding of natural selection and random mutation, then Mendelian genetics, the discovery of the pa...

1994 1
Eros and the Eschaton

...n the process of happening. It begins with animals kept in balance by natural selection and it ends with a global Internet of electronic information transfer...

1994 1
aka The Psychedelic 'Religious' Agenda

...out great depth, what they tell you is that mutation is acted upon by natural selection and that mutation is caused by gene breakage and that gene modificati...

1993 1
Alien Dreamtime

...nto something new. Not genetic information, not genetic mutation, not natural selection, but epigenetic activity: writing, theater, poetry, dance, art, tatto...

1993 1
Taxonomy of Illusion

...very high rate of mutation through that period and an acceleration in natural selection, and I think that uh, that psilocybin because it uh, improves visual ...

1993 1
Mind & Time, Spirit & Matter A good Darwinist knows that things just happen randomly, and then natural selection makes its selection and then you get whatever you get. Uh, and this i...

1991 1
Hallucinogens & Culture

...cluding it in their diet will be quickly eliminated by the process of natural selection from the evolutionary scenario. So, it's possible to argue that this ...

1988 1